When you try to think of creative ways to describe what you do, do you scratch your head? Do you brainstorm and feel dissatisfied with much of what you list? Or do others shake their heads and say “It doesn’t sing yet?” If so, this report is for you. You’ll learn that there are three key mistakes people make when creating the messaging for a product or service.

You’ll discover it’s possible to avoid these mistakes and do more of what works instead.

Specifically, you’ll learn:

Mistake 1: The type of message that almost everyone uses to market their businesses and why it fails to move people. Learning to avoid this error frees you to focus your time and energy on what makes their ears perk up. As a result, you’ll stop spending time on marketing that’s only half as effective as it could be.

Mistake 2: Why most marketing has no meaningful trigger to make people respond. You’ll find out how to find these triggers by asking a single question. Once you’re armed with this knowledge, your prospects will see you as the one person best positioned to help them.

Mistake 3: Lack of leverage. To make more money usually requires “more” of something. More hours worked. More money on ads. More frustration. What if you could increase your income by doing less? You can make more money in the same amount of time once you learn how to avoid the “no leverage error.”

More about this report:

  • This report is just 8 pages long and takes about 9 and a half minutes to read. We’re all pressed for time so I made this report short enough to finish during a coffee break. This will satisfy anyone’s need for near-instant gratification.
  • It doesn’t contain mere dry information and analysis but includes stories of broken dishwashers, stepping in poo and economy cars to relate the concepts in a way that’s light and fun.
  • It also contains case studies from coaching companies, sellers of merchant accounts and even a tutoring business that have used the concepts to produce fantastic results. These results are attainable for anyone offering a product or service that genuinely helps people.

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